Intrarea Roma , 7, Bucuresti
About Ping pong Shop
Opened online in 2010 and since 2013 located in a showroom on Intrarea Roma in Bucharest, Ping Pong shop is specialized in selling Romanian and European Design from the 20th century and it’s one of the projects of a creative duo (she is a designer and he is an artist). Our passion for this domain does not stop here but spreads in various projects of research on Romanian design and architecture especially of the second half of the past century. On the first Romanian Design Week (Preview 2013) we curated a small exhibition of post bellic Romanian design objects and we are currently working with other architects and artists on the project of a book which will document Romanian architecture from the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s.
Ping Pong is the first shop of its kind and we are proud of the impact it had so far as well as of the similar initiatives that recently opened in Bucharest and Timisoara. We are striving to have a constant stock of special products and we are always happy when we can provide modernist (bauhaus) pieces or original Romanian design.
For any information please use our contact email address. To be constantly updated with news from us you may follow us on Instagram or twitter and make sure that once you like our page on facebook you subscribe to get news and notifications from us.
Despre Ping Pong Shop
Deschis mai intai offline (in 2010) si din 2013 la adresa din Intrarea Roma, Ping Pong shop vinde obiecte de design romanesc si european din secolul 20 si este unul din proiectele unui duo creativ (ea designer, el artist). Pasiunea noastra pentru acest domeniu nu se opreste aici si se extinde in proiecte separate de cercetare a arhitecturii si designului romanesc mai ales din a doua jumatate a secolului trecut. Pentru Romanian Design Week Preview in 2013 am prezentat o colectie de obiecte de design romanesc postbelic iar in prezent lucram alaturi de alti artisti si arhitecti la realizarea unei publicatii documentare despre arhitectura anilor ‘60, ‘70 si ‘80 in Romania.
Ping Pong shop este primul magazin de acest tip din Romania si suntem mandri de impactul pe care l-am avut pana acum precum si de initiativele similare recent aparute in Bucuresti si Timisoara. Ne straduim sa avem un stoc constant de obiecte speciale si ne bucuram intodeauna cand putem prezenta obiecte de design modernist (bauhaus) si design romanesc original.
Pentru orice informatii folositi emailul de contact. Pentru a fi in legatura directa cu noi si a nu rata ocazia sa aflati despre cele mai noi produse puse la vanzare, urmariti-ne pe intsagram sau pe twitter si asigurati-va ca odata ce “dati like” subscrieti feed-ului nostru pe facebook si setati optiunea de a primi notificari.